Dialogue Script with your peer.

NAME:RENDI BIWANTORO                      english course
NIM     :B1013171006                                   DOSEN : Dini Haiti Zulfany, S.Pd,Mpd

NIM    :B10131710

Meeting between two friends who have not met for a long time and finally met at
A book store

R: hi kevin how long have we not met
K: hi i'm good rendi. how about you?
R: I'm good too, what are you doing here
K: I'm looking for a book about business
R: oh same I'm also looking for that book too, do you like to read books about business?
K: of course I really read a business book because I want to be a great businessman
R: well I also want to be a great businessman and reliable
K Really, you want to create a business what?
R: I want to make business about food
K: so you will create a restaurant business
R: of course I want to open a good restaurant business
K: what foods will be in your restaurant menu later?
R: I will include all the recipes from all over the world
K: great as your restaurant will succeed
R: yes thanks kevin, if you want to make what business?
K: I want to create a great travel business
R: a great travel business
K: of course I will make a route anywhere to go without difficult and simple
R: cool
K: yes this business will I make for from the top and bottom so everyone can go anywhere without complicated
R: maybe I could be your subscription later
K:hahah take it easy
R: I'm reading so many business books because from reading this business book I can tell where I'm losing and where I'm lucky
K: yes I am also in this book many ways and strategies about a great business success
R: true and in this book many stories about business people
K: yes it is true and we can also learn from their experience
R: because from their experience we can learn to become a businessman
K: oh have you been here for a long time
R: I just came
K: oh I deserve to see you
R: do you want to buy that business book
K: yes of course this book is very good a lot of good content in it
R: I will also buy that too
K: from our day of school our thinking is always the same
R: of course we are friends
K: if so let's take this book go to the cashier
R: let's finish this come to my house
K: Okay, okay


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