
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2017

Say It with Pictures

WISATA KOTA PONTIANAK meseum kota pontianak Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi.. sub:Indonesia Museum Provinsi Kalimantan Barat dirintis sejak tahun 1974 oleh Kantor Wilayah Depdikbud Provinsi Kalimantan Barat melalui Proyek Rehabilitasi dan Perluasan Permuseuman Kalimantan Barat. Fungsionalisasinya diresmikan pada tanggal 4 Oktober 1983 oleh Direktur Jenderal Kebudayaan Depdikbud, sejak itu Museum Provinsi Kalimantan Barat dibuka untuk umum. Ada empat seksi yang bekerja di museum ini, yaitu seksi edukasi , kelembagaan, koleksi ,peralatan. Museum biasanya mengadakan pameran lukisan yang di tampilkan di selasar museum. Biasanya juga mengadakan lomba cerdas cermat setiap tahun , melukis dan lomba mading. sub:English West Kalimantan Provincial Museum was pioneered since 1974 by West Kalimantan Provincial Office of the Provincial Office of West Kalimantan through the Rehabilitation and Expansion Project of West Kalimantan Museum. The functionalization was inaugurated on Octo


Kalimantan Barat  Rendi biwantoro NIM:B1013171006 Hi my name rendi biwantoro I was born in Java and I also original java hehe, I college in pontianak at the university tanjungpura in the economy and business here pontianak I had a few years since I just secondary school over here, so it can be said not long heheh in this blog I will tell you about why I enter the faculty of economics and what I do after I graduate from the faculty of economics later Faculty economic and business if I managed to complete the study program is the main competence would I have to solve the problem of the economic using reasoning analytical that logical and scientific apply the economic for a variety of the issue of economic using the theory of the economy and a basic estimated empirical to test predicted economic so in the faculty economic ya many things that we can learn about the economy and the prospect  of work to his front later also nice hehehe Okay, thank you for those